PinnedPublished inITNEXTrekuberate-io/sleepcycles: Reclaim your unused Kubernetes resourcesA sophisticated custom Kubernetes controller that shuts down and wakes up your Kubernetes workloads on user-defined schedules.Jun 2, 202490Jun 2, 202490
PinnedPublished inITNEXTBuild an MS-DOS games emulator on KubernetesBuild your very own Kubernetes MS-DOS games emulator using js-dos JavaScript library and play retro games in your browser.Nov 9, 2023203Nov 9, 2023203
PinnedKubernetes Logging with Grafana Loki & Promtail in under 10 minutesConsolidate all your Kubernetes logs in a intuitive Grafana dashboard.Feb 20, 20232706Feb 20, 20232706
Install NVIDIA drivers on Ubuntu in under 5 minutesInstall NVIDIA drivers on Ubuntu, minus the drama.Dec 4, 20242Dec 4, 20242
Published inITNEXTInstall Kubernetes 1.29 using Vagrant in under 10 minutesStep by step installation of a Kubernetes 1.29 Cluster, with 1 master and 3 worker nodes, on Ubuntu virtual machines using VagrantFeb 1, 202479Feb 1, 202479
Published inITNEXTKubernetes Custom Controllers Recipes for BeginnersExplaining the most common Kubernetes custom controllers development scenarios that can frustrate you as a beginner.Dec 1, 20233112Dec 1, 20233112
Published inITNEXTKubernetes multi-cluster implementation in under 10 minutesBuild a mesh of Kubernetes clusters with Cilium ClusterMesh and KINDOct 21, 20233035Oct 21, 20233035
Install Kubernetes 1.27 with Cilium on UbuntuStep by step installation of a Kubernetes 1.27 Cluster, with 3 workers and 1 master nodes, on Ubuntu with Kubeadm and Cilium as CNIJul 26, 2023242Jul 26, 2023242
Solve Bluetooth problems on UbuntuSolve connectivity and discovery problems of Bluetooth dongles that use the Realtek RTL8761B chip.Jul 2, 20234Jul 2, 20234
Solve VirtualBox problems after upgrading to latest Linux kernel on Ubuntu 22.04Solve the “Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)” issue that blocks virtual machines from starting after a kernel upgradeJul 2, 2023655Jul 2, 2023655
Configure path-based routing with Nginx Ingress ControllerExpose your homelab’s Kubernetes services to a public-facing domain with Nginx Ingress Controller and Nginx Proxy Manager as a reverse…Jun 6, 2023Jun 6, 2023
Kubernetes Observability Part 3: Events, Logs & integration with Slack, OpenAI and GrafanaBuild an interactive Slack message and investigate the root cause of a Kubernetes Events with the help of OpenAI Chat API.May 10, 2023May 10, 2023
Kubernetes Observability Part 2: Events, Logs & integration with Slack, OpenAI and GrafanaBuild a Kubernetes custom Controller to watch Kubernetes Events and forward them to a Slack channel as alerts.May 10, 2023May 10, 2023
Published inBetter ProgrammingKubernetes Observability Part 1: Events, Logs, and Integration With Slack, OpenAI and GrafanaBuild a Kubernetes custom controller to watch Kubernetes Events and forward them to Grafana Loki using PromtailMay 10, 20232May 10, 20232
Linux Logging with Grafana Loki & custom Promtail labels from OpenStack or AWS EC2 metadataEnrich the collected logs of your systems by injecting relabelled OpenStack or AWS EC2 instances metadata in the Promtail data.Mar 22, 2023Mar 22, 2023
Merge multiple kubeconfig filesMerge multiple Kubernetes configuration files without the unnecessary dramaJan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
Published inBetter ProgrammingStrato DynDNS Controller for KubernetesA K8S Controller to update your domains’ DNS records on STRATO serversNov 27, 2022Nov 27, 2022
Configure a Site-to-Site VPN Connection with Open Telekom CloudConfigure a Site-to-Site IPsec VPN Tunnel between your premises and an Open Telekom Cloud VPC using VyOS as software-based router.Nov 22, 2022Nov 22, 2022
AWS Site-to-Site VPN: Customer Gateway IP address dynamic updateHow to programmatically update the IP address of a Customer Gateway logical device for your AWS VPN Connection in the absence of a static…Nov 18, 2022Nov 18, 2022
Configure VyOS as a software-based router for your Home Lab’s private networksCreate and configure a virtual router for your home networks using VyOSNov 7, 20221Nov 7, 20221